Mean Absolute Deviation Calculator

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Mean Absolute Deviation Calculator

Mean Absolute Deviation Calculator

Calculate the mean absolute deviation of a set of values from their mean.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is mean absolute deviation (MAD), and why is it important?
    • Mean Absolute Deviation is a measure of how spread out data points are around the mean. It’s important in statistics for quantifying variability and understanding the average distance of data from the mean.
  2. What is the formula for calculating mean absolute deviation?
    • The formula for calculating the mean absolute deviation of a dataset with n values, denoted as x₁, x₂, …, xₙ, is:
    Mean Absolute Deviation Formula
    • Where n is the number of values in the dataset and is the mean of the dataset.
  3. How do I interpret mean absolute deviation values?
    • Mean Absolute Deviation provides a measure of data variability. Smaller MAD indicates data points are closer to the mean, while larger MAD suggests greater variability. It’s a robust way to assess the spread of data, less sensitive to outliers than other measures.