How to Install Fonts in Ubuntu

  • Post category:Ubuntu

Customizing your Ubuntu experience often includes adding new fonts. Whether you’re a designer, a writer, or simply want to enhance your desktop’s aesthetics, knowing how to install fonts in Ubuntu is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods, so you can choose the one that fits your workflow best.

Method 1: Using Font Manager

Step 1: Install Font Manager

Start by installing the Font Manager, a user-friendly tool for managing fonts.

Open your terminal and run:

sudo apt install font-manager

Step 2: Download Fonts

Next, download your desired fonts from reputable sources like Google Fonts.

Step 3: Extract the Font Files

If the fonts come in a zip file, right-click and extract them.

Step 4: Open Font Manager

Launch Font Manager from your applications menu.

Step 5: Add Fonts

In Font Manager, click on the + icon to add new fonts and navigate to the folder where you extracted your fonts.

Method 2: Manually Creating a Fonts Directory

Step 1: Download Fonts

Download your preferred font files, usually in .ttf or .otf formats.

Step 2: Create a Hidden Fonts Directory

Open the terminal and create a hidden .fonts directory in your home folder:

mkdir ~/.fonts

Step 3: Copy Font Files

Move or copy the downloaded font files into this directory:

cp ~/Downloads/*.ttf ~/.fonts

Step 4: Update Font Cache

Refresh the font cache to make the new fonts available:

fc-cache -f -v

Method 3: Installing Fonts System-Wide

Step 1: Download Fonts

Download your chosen fonts.

Step 2: Copy to System Directory

To install fonts system-wide (accessible by all users), copy them to /usr/share/fonts:

sudo cp ~/Downloads/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/

Step 3: Update Font Cache

Refresh the font cache for system-wide installation:

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Method 4: Using GUI

Step 1: Double-Click to Install

If you prefer a graphical method, simply double-click on the font file, and an installation window will open. Click on the Install button.

Verifying Installed Fonts

To check if your fonts have been installed successfully, use the following command in the terminal:

fc-list | grep "fontname"

Replace "fontname" with the name of your installed font.


These methods provide flexible options for installing fonts in Ubuntu, whether you prefer using a graphical interface or command-line tools. Choose the method that best fits your workflow to personalize your Ubuntu experience and make your projects shine!

For more tips on customizing your Ubuntu setup, feel free to explore our other guides on CodeAllow.