How to Change Directories in Ubuntu Using the Terminal

  • Post category:Ubuntu

Navigating through directories in Ubuntu is essential for managing files and executing commands. The cd (change directory) command allows you to move between directories within the terminal efficiently. Here’s a quick guide on how to use it.

Basic Usage of cd

  1. Change to a Specific Directory:
    To navigate to a specific directory, use:
   cd /path/to/directory

For example, to enter the Documents folder:

   cd ~/Documents
  1. Using Absolute Paths:
    An absolute path starts from the root directory (/), like this:
   cd /home/username/Documents
  1. Using Relative Paths:
    If you’re already in a directory and want to change to a subdirectory:
   cd subfolder
  1. Move Up One Level:
    To go up to the parent directory:
   cd ..
  1. Return to the Previous Directory:
    To go back to the last directory you were in:
   cd -
  1. Go to the Home Directory:
    To quickly return to your home directory:
   cd ~

Or just:

  1. Move to the Root Directory:
    To navigate to the root directory:
   cd /

Useful Tips

  • Check Your Current Directory: To see where you are, type:
  • List Files in the Directory: To see the contents of your current directory, use:

By mastering these commands, you’ll navigate Ubuntu’s file system like a pro in no time.

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